Fire Sparkle Powder
Add the perfect touch of golden sparkle to your fire props with the addition of our Fire Sparkle Powder. Create electrifying and stunning big finale's that will leave your audience in awe!
Each packet only contains a small amount of sparkle powder to avoid wastage, comes in packs of 10 or 25 (40g per pack).
This product can cause harm and can be dangerous.
DO NOT use this product under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
DO NOT use this product if you are on any medication that may interfere with our coordination or sight;
Be responsible when using this product;
Make sure you have enough space to use the product; and
Correctly light the wicks as well as store them for later use.
DO NOT wear highly flammable clothing;
DO NOT have loose hair that could not the potential of catching fire;
Stay alert when using this product; and
Use reasonable care when using this product.
Product to be used at consumers own risk, Bayside Hooping is not liable for any injuries that may arise from the use of the Sparkle Powder.
Fire products are to be used by person’s 18 years and over.